Articles Tagged:

around the house

Classy with a twist of humor... this black high-heeled ladies shoe is a conversation piece, if nothing else! This unique doorstop is a great way to prop open an interior door in your home or office. The best part: It costs less than $10. Makes a great gift, too!

You don't have to be a pro to give someone a foot rub. You don't even need strong hands. Here's how to do it, plus tips for massaging a loved one's feet, and how to give someone a pedicure.

There's no denying these mop & sweeper slippers make a lot of sense. But I just wonder how many people would actually buy them... I mean, for themselves. I can definitely see how they'd make great gag gifts. And from one spouse who always does all the sweeping and mopping to another... I'd try 'em!

Check out these fluffy bath mats with built-in slippers. There's no better way to slip out of the shower and onto the cold floor... with slippers on your feet!

These shoes (made by designers at Electrolux) have a built-in vacuum cleaner that suck up dust as you walk. Check 'em out...