Foot Care TipsHealth & Beauty

FREE Neru Patch Therapy For Feet And Legs

neru-patch-for-feet.gifIf you have foot or leg pain, the Neru Patch is for you.

It’s the first all-natural patch developed specifically for foot and leg discomfort.

The Neru Patch offers:

  • pain relief through detoxification
  • reduced swelling in legs and feet
  • increased blood circulation

Neru Patch Therapy for Foot and Leg Discomfort was developed by a Japanese doctor, after many patients complained of chronic foot pain with no relief from devices.

Patch therapy has been used in oriental medicine for many years.

The Neru Patch should be applied for at least 5 hours and at most 12 hours — while you sleep.

How do you know it’s working?… The patch becomes sticky as it collects the uric acid, urea, and other toxins that the patch has absorbed to relieve foot and leg pain.

Request your free sample of Neru Patch Foot And Leg Discomfort.

Have questions? Check out FAQs about the Neru Patch.

Neru Patch Therapy for Foot and Leg Discomfort is available at Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Drug Mart, and Meijer stores.