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foot odor

Here are some recommendations from a book by Valerie Gennari Cooksley, a certified aromatherapist and author, regarding aromatherapy and the feet. Her book is called 'Aromatherapy: A Lifetime Guide To Healing With Essential Oils' and I highly recommend it!

The use of natural foot odor remedies is one of the most effective and least toxic ways to get rid of that unpleasant smell. Here are a few home remedies for foot odor.

The ladies on The View raved about Fragrant Footings! These new shoe liners work as air fresheners for the feet, bring pleasant smells wherever you go.

Some people's feet sweat more than other people's feet. Whenever your feet sweat, bacteria feed off the sweat and create smelly fatty acids that give your feet a really nasty odor. Combine this with the fact the fact that warm moisture encourages the growth of fungi, and you can have a real uncomfortable situation on your hands.

The secret for REALLY smelly foot odor is to simply dry out the feet. One of the best ways to do that is to soak your feet in tea. Here's the scoop...

Bamboo socks are better than cotton socks due to their incredible absorbency, antibacterial and wicking properties. And, despite what you might think, bamboo is VERY comfortable on the feet!