Articles Tagged:

kids feet

Finally, a basketball shoe that looks expensive and trendy, but only costs $14.98. The kids love these sneakers. And finally, it's a tennis shoe that parents can afford!

One father's devotion to his children is displayed by the footprints of his children tattooed onto the tops of his own feet. Check it out!

Here are some smelly feet that can't be beat. Check out this picture of a little guy getting some leverage from his poopy feet! (He's not mad, he's 'concentrating'...)

My 'farewell to summer' photo... A picture of a mother and child splashing in the water at the shoreline.

An adorable pair of baby feet... rockin' the world away on a baby rocking chair.

I first learned about Crocs, unique-looking rubber shoes, after a Bonnaroo event. They became the trendy new must-have footwear! Here's why I think Crocs are some of the best shoes around...

Flip Flops aren't just for beaches anymore. They're not just for girls either. They can be found on happy feet in churches, offices, malls, and schools. Take your pick...