Articles Tagged:

nail polish

How long your nail polish lasts without chipping after a pedicure/manicure depends on the base coat & top coat you use. Nail polish reviews to help you choose the best ones.

Here's everything you want to know about toenail fungus... How do you know if you've got it? How do you get it to begin with? How do you treat a toenail fungus? Plus, how to prevent toenail fungus -- from someone who's had it before. Me!

Here are 6 things you want to avoid if you'd like to become a foot model... or just have feet worthy of being on a foot model!

Getting ready for your first pedicure? While each place will certainly be a little different in one way or another, I've been to enough nail salons and day spas to say that this is the basic procedure you go through when getting a pedicure -- no matter where you go. Here's what you need to know...

Here are a few quick tricks to make your nails look whiter... and healthier! This is good for both toenails AND fingernails.

You spend a significant amount of time getting a pedicure (...and maybe a lot of money, too). So whatever you can do to prolong the life of a pedicure, the better. Right? Here's a quick tip to keep your pedicure looking great and lasting longer...