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Topless Flip Flops… It’s Like You’re Barefoot!

Leave it to Jim to find the “topless” versions of things.

Somehow he stumbled upon the Fresh Creation blog. And there they were… in all their glory: Topless Flip Flops!

I’ve gotta admit… I think they’re pretty cool.

Topless sandals simulate walking barefoot while protecting your feet.”

How Do Topless Flip Flops Work?

Here’s how these one-of-a-kind topless sandals work:

  • They stick to the bottom of your feet.
  • “The stick” is a water-based adhesive.
  • They don’t leave any residue when you take them off.
  • The sticky part (where your foot goes) is guaranteed to last a year.
  • They cost about $10 a pair.

Probably the coolest feature about these topless sandals is their ability to “stick” to your feet. They say, it will last “at least a year. Guaranteed. All you have to do is clean the surface periodically with soap and water; dry, and presto, they’re as sticky and bondable as when you peeled off the seal.”

It’s like a topless flip flop without the tan lines and the… flip flop.”

– Topless-Sandal

Questions I have:

1. What keeps things like grass, dirt, or pebbles from sticking to them? (Are they designed to only stick to skin by chance?)

2. What happens if they get wet (or overly sweaty)? …especially since “the stick” is water based.

3. They say your foot doesn’t feel sticky when you take ’em off… but how can that be?

In my mind, if these were a buck apiece, or at least under $2, then they’d be the hottest thing in footwear. I’d almost rather grab a 6-pack of ’em in different colors and think of them more as “disposable sandals” than “fine fashion footwear”.

For now, at $10-13 I’m betting they’ll be tried by a few, and admired by the rest of us.

Then again, if they can get ’em on the store shelves of major department stores, then Topless Flip Flops will probably cost less and go mainstream a lot faster. (My fingers are crossed.)

Has anyone tried these yet?
If/when you do, please let us know what you think…
