Foot PicturesHealth & Beauty

Baby Needs A New Pair Of Shoes…Says Suri Cruise To Mama Katie Holmes

suri-cruise-katie-holmes.jpgKatie Holmes and Tom Cruise’s little girl, Suri, will soon be sporting a new pair of shoes.

But not just any shoes… these are custom-made just for her. And they come with a pricetag of at least $3,000 a pair!

For $2,500 Christian Louboutin will create a mold of your foot to hand-craft footwear to your exact specifications — for an additional charge of $500 to $5,000 a pair.” Source

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According to “18-month-old Suri has already had a mold made of her feet for her custom shoes. They will be ready by Christmas.”

(…Check out all the comments!)

I don’t know. But I can’t help but think about how quickly kids outgrow shoes.

I guess several pairs of “custom handcrafted shoes” are in this baby’s future… for years to come!