Articles Tagged:

celebrity feet

Did you know that Jessica Simpson can pick up things with her toes? Ryan Seacrest got her to show off her unique talent by picking up fruit from a bowl, using only her toes. Here's the video. Plus more photos of Jessica Simpson's feet.

Whether you love Fergie's feet or not, you have to admit that she has style. Regardless of whether she's barefoot or wearing a pair of the stylish gladiator type shoes she seems to really love, she is definitely someone worth following.

Charlize Theron feet aren't ugly, if you ask me. But she thinks her feet are ugly. You decide.

See what Britney Spears' feet say about her... and what Cameron Diaz's feet say about her. Then see what your feet say about YOU! Books and quizzes here to help you understand how to do foot readings.

Hayden Panettiere has gorgeous feet that have been captured in both film and photos -- barefoot and in shoes. I'm quite sure we will be seeing more of Hayden Panettiere and her famous feet as time moves forward.

For Olympians, it's all about the feet. Here's why.

Beyonce Knowle's feet have certainly attracted some bad press lately. And her legs, too. For example: it's said that Beyonce is taking a page from Britney Spears' book by walking around town -- in public -- barefoot these days. But... apparently Beyonce feels sexiest with bare feet and messy hair. Here's more... plus lots of Beyonce feet photos.

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's little girl, Suri, will soon be sporting a new pair of shoes. But not just ANY shoes... these are custom-made just for her. And they come with a pricetag of at least $3,000 a pair!

Kate Hudson has some hot celebrity feet. But wait... look close. Does she have 6 toes on one foot???