Got Smelly Feet? Dr. Oz Has A Home Remedy For Taming Your Foot Odor

by Lynnette

foot care products, foot odor, foot soaks

I saw this on Oprah

Dr. Oz had an at-home remedy for curing foot odor.

A girl on the show tried it, and they did a follow-up with her months later.


No more smelly feet!

Here’s how she did it…

Home Remedy For Foot Odor

Apparently, the secret for really smelly feet is to simply dry them out.

One of the best ways to do that is to soak your feet in tea.

Yep, Dr. Oz said to take some tea bags, place them in a bowl of lukewarm water.

You’re supposed to let your feet soak in that for 30 minutes each day for a week.

The tannic acid in the tea will actually tan your foot a little bit, which will dry it out … That’s helpful in reducing the amount of sweat, and the odor as well.

~ Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz said that other home remedies may also be worth trying, but for people with really smelly feet, sometimes the only way to fix the foot odor problem is to dry out the feet with tea like this.


More From Dr. Mehmet Oz

This video shows a great tip for keeping your feet dry and smelling great all day long:

Other Home Remedies For Smelly Feet