Modeling body parts is big business these days. So much so, that Donny Deutsch devoted an entire show to it on The Big Idea.
In reality, there are body part models for practically every imaginable part of the human body. Arguably, the most valuable assets that people can get paid to flaunt are the legs, lips, nose, hands, teeth, ears, abs, arms, back, and butt, and feet.
Of course, today we will only be focusing on the feet, because foot models are a popular topic here at The Fun Times Guide to Feet.
And who better to get foot modeling tips from than the one and only Ellen Sirot — the world’s most famous hand and foot model!
A wealth of information and tips for modeling body parts can be found in the following video featuring Ellen Sirot and Donny Deutsch. This originally aired on the TV show The Big Idea.
Here are some of the foot modeling questions that Ellen asked (or answered) in the video:
#1 How Much Do Foot Models Make?
According to Donny Deutsch and Ellen Sirot (who is one of the best-paid hand and foot models), hand modeling can earn as much as $10,000 a day, but “feet modeling doesn’t pay as much because there aren’t as many foot jobs.” A foot model can make anywhere from $500 to a couple thousand dollars per hour.
One thing that can help you earn more as a foot model is to go above and beyond in the photo shoot. For example, Ellen said it’s helpful if you can imagine the final product and what they ultimately want it to look like. Because the way you pose your feet and the way that you relax or tense your toes will ultimately affect the mood and the tone of the finished product.
#2 Can Your Feet Act Or Be Articulate?
Ellen says what makes nice and beautiful feet even better is if they can ‘act’ too. As a body parts model, you need to emote with your limbs. Use them to articulate and show emotions and feelings. And since all you’re seeing in a foot ad is the foot and maybe another object (like a puppy dog or a pair of shoes), then those feet need to also convey a sense of time and place.
During a photo shoot, feet may need to act ticklish or giggly or, in Ellen’s words, “like they’re getting a little chill up the spine” in order to convey a particular message for the finished product.
For example, when Ellen is showing her million dollar feet for the first time on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, she uses these phrases:
Nice long toes … And they’re articulate, they can say things … And they have beautiful nail beds … Mostly what we want to say is ‘come touch me’ … These are beautiful feet … They have beautiful skin on the top and on the bottom … They have a perfect high arch … My feet are very articulate, and I exercise them.
#3 Are Your Feet In Great Shape?
According to Ellen, you have to take good care of your feet. And “feet fitness” is extremely important for a foot model. For example, you need to bend them, stretch them, articulate with them, rub them, and have them massaged.
In fact, Donny Deutsch pointed out that she even wears shoes a size too big — as an extra precaution to protect her toes, her feet, and her toenails. She even wears baggies on her feet when she sleeps. She never wears pointy shoes, and she seldom wears high heels — so pointy high heels are out (except during an ad shoot, of course).
What I’m really well-known for is those healthy, luxurious, happy, perfect nails.”
#4 Do You Only Show Your Feet In The Best Light?
The best part of this video (though it’s ALL really good!) is the point at which Ellen asks Donny: “Can I show them the way I love to show them?”
I guess this particular position puts her feet at the perfect height and angle that shows them in the best light. Plus, she adds, “This allows for the blood to flow down and for my feet to be honored, and live, and feel life.”
But Wait, There’s More!…
Okay, that’s enough of my paraphrasing and summarizing all of the foot modeling tips that I gathered from Ellen Sirot’s appearance on The Big Idea.
Now listen as Ellen explains all of this and more in her own words — and watch closely as she shows off her feet (and hands) in the following video.
Apparently, this was a rare moment captured on video when she actually showed her bare feet “live” on national TV. And she did a lot more than just show them… She presented them. She showcased them… She made your mouth water over them. (No kidding. I want feet like hers — and hands like hers too — to show them off!)
I dare you — no, I double dog dare you — to try to hit the stop button during this video. She’s the world’s best foot model for a reason, and she’s definitely got a sexy, seductive way about her.
Check it out…Ellen Sirot – World’s Most Famous Foot Model on The Big Idea.
Let me tell you… I didn’t know I could be so engrossed in a conversation about feet. (And I bet Donny Deutsch didn’t know he could either!)