Foot ModelingHealth & Beauty

Best Foot Modeling Resources & Tips For Being A Body Parts Model

Tina B. emailed us yesterday:

How does someone become a foot model? Where do they begin? Thank you.

Following are the best resources I could find for starting a career in foot modeling…

How To Be A Foot Model

First, read these tips from foot model, Christina Ambers. Yep, you want to make sure that your feet are in tip-top shape to begin with.

Then, check out these tips from the world’s most famous foot model, Ellen Sirot. She’s got some great tricks of the trade for showing off your feet in different ways.

And finally, when you’re ready to try your hand (I mean feet) at modeling for the first time, read through the following requirements for body parts modeling to see what foot models are required to do to get started in this business.

Body Parts Modeling Resources

The absolute best advice I can give (not being a foot model myself) is to read through the fine print in these articles and try to touch base with the agencies mentioned, or the foot models themselves.