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Donate Shoes To Soles4Souls… It’s Easy And FUN!

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By Andrea

two-pairs-of-tennis-shoes-by-Beige-Alert.jpg I hate throwing out shoes, especially when they are in perfectly good condition. 

However, with 2 teens whose feet are growing at record rate, most of the shoes in our home no longer fit their feet.  So what is a mother to do? 

Well, there is an organization called Soles4Souls that will gladly take your gently worn shoes in order to help people in need of shoes. 

Soles4Souls makes it easy to help those in need. Its mission is simple. It wants to help people in need with the gift of shoes … It is a nonprofit, so your donations are tax deductible. Or, if you’d prefer, you can donate your old shoes at a number of locations. Check the site for a drop near you. Want to make a bigger impact? Organize a shoe drive. It’s the perfect way to get your community involved in helping others! — Kim Komando

In addition to monetary gifts and shoe donations, you can also host a fundraising event, host a shoe drive, or join a relief trip where you can see how your donations are making a difference in the world.

Soles 4 Souls makes shoe donating FUN!

For example, 19-year-old Dashiel Alsup has taken it upon himself to trek across the United States barefoot, in an effort to help raise money for Soles 4 Souls.  As reported on November 4th: 

It has been 2,840 miles since Dashiel Alsup turned his back on a cold and lonely beach in Washington state and started walking — barefoot — across America. Since that day over 6 months ago, Dashiel has endured countless blisters, cracks and puncture wounds to his feet; many cold and rainy nights spent in his cramped tent; and more than a few tense moments with locals unsure of Dashiel’s motivations. But he has also picked up many fans along the way, as they discover that his barefoot trek is a monumental effort for Nashville-based Soles4Souls, the international shoe charity dedicated to providing free shoes to people in need around the world.  Source

He recently made a stop in Dalton Georgia.  You can keep up with Dashiel’s barefoot journey at A Single Pebble: Walking Barefoot Across America

While giving up shoes that your kids have outgrown after just a few wears — or purchasing shoes directly for the needy — may not measure up to walking barefoot across the United States, your donated shoes will still make a difference in the life of someone who doesn’t have the shoes they need to protect their feet.

So, why not go into your closets and see what you have to give?